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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Getting Ready for the Job Fair!

It's already the second week of the new semester, and each week so far we've had a blizzard and a "polar vortex" shut down the University -- something that happens very rarely! Blizzard or not, though, we're getting ready for our Co-op Job Fair just a few weeks away.

If you haven't been to a Job Fair, you should really stop by. I enjoy it a lot because many of the company representatives are UM graduates and former Co-op students who are now sitting on the other side of the desk. They graduated, found jobs (many with their Co-op companies) and come back and enjoy campus without the stress of homework and exams. (They have instead the stress of work deadlines and travel.) But not on Fair Day! They're there to answer questions about their company and try to impress you with what a great place it would be to work.

The Job Fair happens this year on Tuesday, February 11 in the Architecture Courtyard, between 10 and 2 PM. The pizza should arrive somewhere around noon. We'll have a dozen or more tables set up and anywhere from 10 to 20 or more local companies on hand with trinkets and candy to lure you over to their table and chat. They're looking for talented people to come work with them -- that's you, isn't it?

Fall 2013 Job Fair